Friday 20 April 2012

Tracking along the Fitzroy River

Days 9 and 10
Thursday 19th and Friday 20th April.

 We left the Bungle Bungles and Purnululu National Park at 7.00 am. The trip back was event free, fortunately!  We didn’t have another spare tyre for the trailer and I don’t think Paul really wanted to change any more flat tyres! Funny about that! Iknew I certainly didn’t want that experience.  So fingers crossed, we tippy toed over every single sharp looking rock when leaving!  Good Image for a 4WD person isn’t it. My answer is, who in their right minds wants to change a tyre on a 4WD vehicle in 36 degrees on a stony road!
Some of the Obstacles we faced were four legged!
Our next destination was Fitzroy crossing, 270 Kms. from Halls Creek.  A quiet trip – all bitumen and easy travelling.
By 4.00 pm we were parked under shady trees, on beautiful lush grass, arm chairs out and Fiveses had begun.
The main tourist attraction here is the Geike Gorge. The best way to view it is via a flat bottomed boat: and the best time to view it is early in the morning. So up at 6.30 am and a short drive out to the boat landing. The next hour we slowly cruised up the Fitzroy River marveling at the exquisite sculptures on the sand stone cliffs carved out by the swirling currents of the river in full flood.

We “officially” saw our first crocodile – no point taking a photo – it just looked like a twig floating on the surface of the river! So…I’ll just finish with some photos of one of nature’s art works.

 The Geike Gorge on the Fitzroy River.


  1. What a difference a bit of water makes. You certainly are being treated to some wonderful nature scenes. Just got your text from Broome. Sounds like the weather is pretty perfect. We have had a week of unseasonally warm weather, but today the weather changed. Have now got a slow steady rain. Been going since 2pm. Great for the garden. Looks like it is going to stay this way for a while - of course - Anzac day on Wednesday!!. I think summer is over. Roll on winter and the snow. Skiing here we come.

  2. You two are having lots of fun on the track, we walked up Geike Gorge, certainly is speccy country. We are having a warm and sunny weekend here, just about to walk down to the beach and chuck a line in
    Tim just sent me a photo from Niagara Falls, its 4 degrees there!

  3. Beautiful photos Gill, it looks magnificent. Your garden at Victor got a drink, only 4mls so far tho. I am surprised how green it is up where you are, just beautiful. Travel safe xx
