Thursday 19 April 2012

Day 2 on the Tanami Track- the longest day!

Day 6- 16th April 2012
Having looked at the same scenery for 100 kms, I originally thought I would have nothing to report! WRONG!
Just before we arrived at Rabbit Flat (which no longer exists! You don't even have to blink to miss it!) we noticed that both sides of the track had been recently burnt - still evidence of white ash.

60 Kms further on and it was still the same but we also noticed in the distance, clouds of billowing smoke ahead. It wasn't long before the pungent smell of gum tree smoke made its way into the car.
At this stage I started to feel a bit uneasy! A fire out here! Obviously no C.F.S. to call out to extinguish the fire. No water either! How fierce was the fire? Do we have to drive through it?
Fortunately I soon had my answer! On the right hand of the road large flames and black choking smoke rolled away from the road. Fortunately the wind was blowing it away from the road.

We drove on....... Another 300 Kms or so! Its amazing the scenery does change a bit but the conditions of the road change even more! For the worse! The road train driver we originally spoke to wasn't kidding!....This end of the road is not so good! ...No gold mines out here to look after the road!

The sign says it all. the condition of the Tanami! PS spot Gill!
Oh, by the way, we did get to Wolfe Creek (heh, heh, heh) and we did climb the crater. Hard to believe that this huge hole was made by a meteorite ( the second largest in the world)

We followed the deteriorating road into Hall's Creek and arrived at 4.30 SA time. It was only 3.00 pm Western Australian time. I guess fiveses will have to start early. An Extra 1 1/2 hours early, this makes it our longest day.


  1. Gilli, it's me Gelli! Your adventures look amazing!! Sounds so lovely and the pictures are just gorgeous, bet you're having the time of your life! Can't wait to read what's next!!
